For business

Businesses often apply to us to create their AR/VR solutions. Although our key competence is game development, our slogan is «All your dreams in virtual reality», so in that case — helping your business to succeed will be one of the most important goals for us.

We have vast development experience and more than 30 completed projects in our portfolio. For the past 6 years, we have been creating AR/VR solutions in various business areas:

— Marketing

Virtual Reality Marketing is a great way to attract your potential customers. The potential of it is only limited by the imagination, but mostly it is used to present existing or developing products. AR/VR marketing creates a great WOW effect, providing your client with a lot of positive reactions. Depending on your business, we can develop solutions to bring you as many customers as you can handle.

— Education

AR/VR brings education to a whole new level. You can be placed exactly in a situation which would be expensive or dangerous to model in real life. Become tiny as an atom, to see how the molecular world works. Travel in a virtual Time Machine — to experience how History happened and what it looked like. Visit the most famous lectures on the other side of the world, interacting with other students etc. It is only limited by your imagination.

— Industry

AR/VR in industry can solve problems such as attracting new clients and effectively training your employees. It also can help to solve that ancient problem how to show the capabilities of machines and other massive equipment to your clients, without them actually visiting the manufacture. Contact us to create unique solutions for your business.

— Real estate

AR/VR in real estate proves to be very effective as apartment showrooms. Clients, standing on a 2 square meters area, can visit your key apartments, walk in it, open doors etc. We can also make a showroom of the whole building — there clients can see the main areas like parking zones, nearest shopping centers, workout zones, etc. In real life, in one hour you can show one or two rooms depending on the distance. But in VR, within the same time, clients can see all the apartments and still would have time to sign the contract!

— Tourism

VR hotel tours are great ways to attract your client’s attention. It works the same as in real estate but creates more emotions due to the beautiful landscapes which usually surrounds the hotel. This can lead to much higher occupancy rates in comparison to similar properties that do not use VR.

— Art

AR/VR provides great experiences for art. We can create VR exhibitions and galleries. You don’t need to go to the other side of the world, just to visit a museum you like. Bring your ideas to everyone in the wolrd with AR/VR tech.

Now, as you know us better, we would also like to get to know about you! Contact us and let us know how can we be helpful to you?